Medal Count – Colombia – 2023 Pan-American Games

Final medal count as of November 6, 2023

2023 Pan-American GAmes

Discover all the medals won by Colombian athletes during the 2023 Pan-American Games.

The Santiago 2023 Pan-American Games are taking place from October 20th to November 5th, and this time, not only is continental glory at stake for the athletes but they also play a crucial role in many qualification processes for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Colombia is one of the major powers in the Americas in sports such as weightlifting, BMX racing, and athletics, among others. In Lima 2019, their athletes achieved 84 medals (28 gold, 23 silver, 33 bronze).

The Santiago 2023 Games mark the 19th participation of this nation in the Pan American Games, but can it be as successful as it was in the previous edition?

Find out the number of medals Colombia has won. At the end of the games, Colombia holds the 6th position in the medal standings table.

The organizing committee, Panam Sports, recently confirmed Barranquilla as the venue for the 2027 Pan-American Games.



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