Ríobus begins operations with free fares

Riobus Karakali
Credit: Alcaldia de Barranquilla

Barranquilla’s Ríobus, known as Karakalí, has begun operations and will offer free fares until the first holiday weekend in January (Jan 8th), according to the announcement by Mayor Jaime Pumarejo. The goal is to allow residents of Barranquilla to experience and become familiar with this river transportation method before the fare is implemented.

Mayor Jaime Pumarejo highlighted the importance of Ríobus as a symbol of river navigation in Barranquilla. Additionally, he mentioned that river transportation not only has tourist potential but could also become an alternative means of transportation in the medium term.

Ríobus fares will be free until early January. After that period, a fee of approximately $6,000 COP per ticket will be introduced, with the possibility of implementing higher fees in the future. Initially, the stops will include two piers: Puerta de Oro on the Gran Malecón and the Intendencia Fluvial.

The operation of the Ríobus Karakalí will be carried out by Puerta de Oro Empresa de Desarrollo Caribe. There will be three daily routes to start from Tuesday to Sunday. Current routes are one in the morning, one around noon, and one around sunset. Frequencies will be increased on weekends according to demand.

The General Secretary of the District, María Mónica Hernández, emphasized that Mayor Pumarejo’s administration is taking firm steps towards the recovery of navigation on the Magdalena River.

Puerta de Oro, which also manages the Gran Malecón and the Cienaga de Mallorquín, will take on the administration of the Ríobus as part of its responsibilities in project development and asset management.

Things to take into consideration

Departures are from Tuesday to Sunday. There is no service on Mondays, or on Tuesdays if the preceding Monday was a holiday.

Tour packages are not offered

Reservations cannot be made

Maximum capacity is 60 persons; there is no minimum

Routes, frequencies, and stops cannot be modified

No pets allowed

Ríobus departure times and routes

Tuesday to Sunday. There is no service on Mondays.

Departure times from the Gran Malecón: 8:00am; 11:30pm; 2:30pm

Departure times from the Intendencia Fluvial: 9:30am; 1:00pm; 4:35pm

See image below.



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